Cosmic Granite Black or White for a Statement Kitchen Worktop

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With one of the current trends in kitchen worktops being towards wilder patterns, with people looking for a worktop that makes a unique statement, we wanted to draw people’s attention to Cosmic Black and Cosmic White. We have recently had slabs of these materials in  from our friends at Granite Granite – two stunning stones that may take many people by surprise who tend to think of granite or quartz worktops as plainish black or sparkly white.

With stones of this type, it is even more important than with the plainer materials to emphasise that no two slabs are identical – and even within a single block, from which the slabs are cut like sluices from a loaf, there can be a considerable variation from one end to the other. Although this may put some people off such stones, for others, it is exactly this uniqueness and irreplaceability which draws them to natural materials of this type.

Cosmic Black (sometimes known as Titanium, especially when cross cut to give a less streaked, more dotted appearance) is a deep black with wild patterning in white and rich cream.

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Cosmic White is a wildly patterned white/black and grey, with stronger tones and crazier waves to it than the similar Silver Cloud (see our installation shown in the case study here.)

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Both stones are currently available at a good price and we have a number of customers interested or having already placed orders. The more we are able to buy, the better the deal can be, so if either of these stunning stones is of interest, please get in touch.

If you are interested in a quotation for kitchen worktops in either Cosmic Black or Cosmic White, or any other colour we may stock or can get hold of, please don’t hesitate to get in touch, by email or phone,. We will be glad to try to find something that suits your needs.

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