How do we price for long-distance installations?
Our full template and installation charge covers travel to and from installations in a wide area, as described on our home page. We have some notes on areas where we fit here. When we go further away from our Charlwood worktop factory, though, we have to add a surcharge to cover transport costs. What is the cost of distant installations?

All of this makes sense; if we have two fitters sitting in a van on the way to Norwich, say, their total travel time for the day will be around 6 hours. They will only do one installation. Unless it is a BIG installation, enough to make sense of dedicating the guys for a whole day, it is a waste of their time, when we have a lot of work on in our immediate area. The additional charge is a nod in the direction of covering the cost of that wastage.
Large installations are obviously more worthwhile doing at a distance than small ones.

Not all distances are equal – the village of Cornish Hall End in Essex is 65 miles from Charlwood. That is exactly the same distance from us as the crow flies as Milton Keynes. But we know that in terms of time on the road it is significantly further. And we all know how there is no such thing as a quick trip into the centre of London – an installation in Clerkenwell is only 25 miles away but will probably involve as much or more driving time than Milton Keynes.

The village hall – Cornish Hall End

You don’t need to ask?!
Where an installation involves a big island or peninsula, extra fitters may be needed just to unload and manoeuvre the stone into your kitchen. When more than two men are required, the impact of distance is greater – think of the cost of getting four men (and therefore two vans) to the site, even if two of them are only to be present for a short unloading process.

The long and the short of it is that we do need to charge extra for long distances. How much will depend on a lot of factors, but we tend to look at the travel time over and above the first hour from Charlwood, multiplied by the number of men who will be tied up for that time. Additional costs of £100-£200 are common, up to the point where our services become really non-economical for our customers.
That point is probably Milton Keynes, as it happens! 😉
We love our work and are proud of doing a good job at every phase. That includes being open and honest with you as a potential customer right from the quotation stage. We would rather tell you straight up when we can’t quote, than blag the sale and try to squeeze the travel money in somewhere along the line. Overall, we have found that a straightforward approach has worked for us and built us to where we are today. Thank you for your understanding!