Copyright Statement Regarding This Website
1 Website text
All text on this website is copyright Affordable Granite and is not to be reproduced in any form without written permission of the company.
2 Our own images
The majority of images on this website were taken by members of the Affordable Granite team – most by Andrew King. In law, the copyright resides with the photographer, but so far as this site is concerned, treat the copyright as residing with Affordable Granite Surrey Ltd. Images on this website are not to be reproduced in any form without written permission of the company. All enquiries regarding use of imagery on the site should be addressed to the company.
3 Images from customers and friends of the company
A number of images on this website have been provided by customers, friends of the company and competition entrants. In all such cases the copyright resides with the photographer and we use the images by permission. We do not generally name our customers on the website; nevertheless, the images are theirs and we use them by permission. We have endeavoured to make clear where this is the case. No copying or third party use of these images is permitted.
4 Images from suppliers and service providers
A large number of images on this website have been provided by material suppliers. The copyright resides with the photographer and supply company, and we use the images by permission. We have endeavoured to make clear where this is the case. No copying or third party use of these images is permitted; if you need sets of images from our suppliers we would suggest you approach them direct.
5 Images from non-licensed public collections
A significant number of images used for illustration in blogs are from online sites which offer images royalty and license free. We have tried to make clear where this is the case, and to credit the photographer where possible. If you require this type of material, we would suggest going directly to the source site.
6 Images of unknown origin
Very occasionally, when needing to illustrate a particular point or show a special material, we have used imagery found in widespread use on the web, where the origin and copyright of the image is unclear and we cannot therefore ask permission. If you see an image on this site for which you hold copyright and you have not granted permission for use, please contact us directly and we will remove the image immediately. It may be best to use the email address