Yesterday morning we lost our colleague and friend, Linda Dawson. She had been taken ill last week, and was in hospital, but no one had any expectation that she would go so suddenly. We are all in shock.
Immensely hard-working, absolutely loyal and fierce in keeping us all in administrative order, Linda had a heart of gold. For most of the history of our company she has been the first voice people have heard on the phone, she has processed most of our customers’ orders, she has dealt with the post and has kept us on good terms with the VATman. Irreplaceable is the word that springs immediately to mind – and yet not principally for her work, but for the place she has in all our hearts.
These pictures are from this morning – frosty and bright, a day when Linda would have loved the drive over from Guildford and would have commented on the beauty of it all when she had arrived. They are posted in memory of a dear member of the Affordable Granite family.
As a company we wish Linda’s children, Lisa and Graham, and their partners and children, our sincere condolences at this very difficult time.
Linda on good form at a company Christmas party.